GP Referrals
NHS e-Referral Tracking
Most GP referrals are placed through the NHS e-Referral system. This sends informtion regarding the referral to the centrally run Devon Referral Support Services (DRSS) for them to process.
You should receive a letter about your referral, waiting lists and how to book your appointment within 2 weeks of referral.
This letter also contains unique information that will enable you to track your referral through their online platform.
To track your e-Referral you will need the following details to log into the e-Referral website:
- Your date of birth
- Unique Booking Reference Number (UBRN) – this will be on the first page of your letter
- Password – this will be on the second page of your letter
To track an e-Referral, click here.
Devon Referral Support Services
Devon Referral Support Service (DRSS) is a referral management service that processes referrals for all GP practices in Devon and East Cornwall.
As part of NHS Devon, DRSS provide services for multiple organisations including managing referrals to the four main hospitals: Torbay and South Devon Hospital, North Devon District Hospital, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital and Derriford Hospital; and Livewell Southwest and other community services.
After your GP sends your referral appointment bookings will be managed by DRSS. Please note that DRSS Helpdesk is available 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday.
To contact DRSS or if you have any questions about the progress of your referral click here.
Useful Devon-wide Information
One Devon - NHS Devon
NHS Devon which goes by the name One Devon, is a collaboration of the NHS, local councils, and a wide range of other organisations who are working together to improve the lives of people in Devon.
NHS Devon are developing partnerships with local communities and other partners to commision high-quality and sustainable services that promote wellbeing, prevent ill health, help people with long-term conditions to live well and care for people when they are unwell.
To learn more about One Devon click here.
MyHealth Devon
MyHealth Devon is another source of useful information about local NHS services, support and referrals. It is part of the Integrated Carre Service 'Together for Devon' which gathers health and care partners from local communities in Plymouth, Torbay and rest of Devon.
Here you can find information relating to your condition, local support available and referrals.
To visit their website and learn more click here.
Self-referral for Local Services



Drugs & Alcohol

Sexual Health

Smoking Cessation