Clinics We Offer

Nursing Services
Our Practice Nurses are available by appointment on:
- Monday 08:30 – 12:00
- Tuesday 08:30 – 12:00
- Wednesday 08:30 – 12:00 & 14:00 – 17:00
- Thursday 09:00 – 12.30 & 14:30 - 17:00
- Friday 08:30 - 12:00
They have special skills and training in heart disease and strokes, asthma and diabetes. They can give advice on vaccinations for travel and carry out blood tests, wound dressings, stitch removal, blood pressure checks, vaccinations, cervical smears and healthy living advice.
We also run Health Care Assistant clinics covering mainly phlebotomy alongside some Practice Nurse clinics. The reception team will book you into the most appropritae clinic for your needs.

Antenatal/Maternity Services
Midwifery services for the surgery are provided by the Templar Midwives Team who provide care to pregnant mothers in the South Devon Area.
Patients with a new pregnancy should contact the Midwives directly on 01626 770086 directly to enrol with this service and seek advice regarding antenatal appointments. GPs also invite patients in early pregnancy to book an appointment to speak to a GP as early as possible in your pregnancy.
The midwife's antenatal clinic is held alternate Friday mornings with Jane Fowler and appointments are bookable through the surgery.

Child Health & Immunisations
We consider your child's health is very important and advice is always available to you at the Health Centre. After the birth of your baby our Practice Nurses and GPs will oversee the 6-week baby checks and the childhood immunisation programme. A member of the admin team will send you a letter inviting you and your baby to attend.
We also have twice-monthly Health Visitor Clinics see below.

Health Visitor
The Practice Health Visitor works mainly with families with young children and runs clinics at the surgery every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month between 1 - 4.30pm. They cover all aspects of health education including regular checks for children until they are 5 years of age. This service is provided by the Public Health Nursing Hub through Devon County Council and is bookable directly with them. To find our more please contact them directly on 03332 341901.

Contraception and Cervical Smears
All methods of contraception are available at the Health Centre including fitting contraceptive devices. Teenagers are welcome to use this service and this, like all services provided by the practice, is confidential. Dr Penfold runs regular clinics.
All women over the age of 25 are advised to have a cervical smear every 3 years and women between the ages of 50 and 64 every 5 years. The cervical screening service will contact you with a reminder letter advising you to make an appointment with the Practice Nurse when this is due. Please contact us if you feel that you may have missed this reminder and we can check your records for you.

District Nursing Team
The District Nurses provide skilled nursing care in a range of settings within the community for those who are assessed as requiring it. Patients may be referred to the Community Nursing Team either by their GP or by the hospital upon discharge. If you have been referred to the District Nursing Team and need to contact them you can call them on the patient telephone line 01647 442074.

Minor Surgery
Certain minor surgery procedures can be performed by the doctors on the premises (Dr Waterfall and Dr Penfold).
This may be more convenient and will save considerable waiting time at the General Hospital. Your GP will direct you to this option if appropriate.

Minor Injury Service
During opening hours the surgery provides a walk in Minor Injury Service.

NHS Health Checks
All patients between the age of 40 and 74 years of age are invited to attend for an NHS health check with our Practice Nurse. This will involve general tests including bloods, weight and blood pressure and general health advice. If you are not already regularly seeing your GP, or have not had an NHS Health Check before, we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity for a health assessment. Please call reception to book.

PCN Physiotherapy
We now have our own First Contact Physiotherapist (FCP) available for appointments every Thursday. The First Contact Physio service is provided by the wider Primary Care Nertword of local GP practices and is meant for those with a first occurance of pain or discomfort due to a musculo-skeletal (bone joint or muscle) problem, providing a quick response and ongoing support to patients. The FCP Physiotherapist is able to refer you back to the GP if other services are required, as well referring on to outside services and additional physio support. This service is directly bookable through reception.

Nail Cutting Service
We have a monthly nail cutting clinic on the final Friday of each month - This service is booked through the surgery, please contact the surgery to make an appointment.

Drug and Alcohol Sessions
We work with Together Drug and Alcohol Services to support patients who require support with drug and alcohol problems including over the counter medications. Sessions are organised by the service and can be held at the surgery. Patients can either self-refer into this service or be referred by their GP. To find out more you can call them directly on 0800 233 5444.

Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)
The Citizens Advice Bureaux is currently running their appointments via telephone or direct with their service. We hope to be able to return to holding CAB sessions on a monthly basis at the surgery so watch this space! In the meantime, if you have any queries that the Citezens Advice Bureaux could help you with please contact them directly on 03444 111 444.

South West Counselling Services
Counselling appointments are on offer to our patients via a GP referral. Please contcat us to make an appointment with your GP.

PCN Mental Health Practitioners
As part of our participation in a wider Primary Care Network with local GP surgeries, we are pleased to be able to offer appointments with a Mental Health practitioner, able to provide support, advice and a short intervention course at the surgery including next steps.
For Adults you will intially be offered a telephone consultation followed by an appointment at the surgery. For an apointment with our specialist Child Mental Health practioner please call the surgery to discuss a referral.
PCN Dietitian
Our dietician is another practitioner that shares their time working between several local GP practices as part of the PCN. At Moretonhampstead they offer monthly appointments to any of our patients who would benefit from a professional perspective, lifestyle and diet advice, and support with diet issues related to long-term conditions. Please call the surgery to found out more and book an appointment.

PCN Wellbeing Coordinator
The practice works with a Wellbeing Coordinator who can assist with social prescribing. This is another service under the PCN umbrella availble to our group of local surgeries. The Wellbeing Coordinator can signpost patients to services within the community to support them with non medical problems. Please speak to your GP or nurse if you feel this service would be of benefit to you.